openUC2 Hackathon: A Thrilling 24 Hours of Innovation, Creativity, and Open-Source Optics
If you’ve ever wondered what a group of talented innovators can achieve in 24 hours, then buckle up for the fascinating story of the openUC2 Hackathon! From Finland to the Netherlands and Germany, participants united to take the world of optics by storm. The event was nothing short of a thrilling marathon of invention, all […]
Stories from the … AQLM at the MBL Woods Hole and the HHMI Janelia Research Campus
What if you could transport a light sheet micrscope á la openSPIM, a DMD-based SIM (structured illumination microscopy), a whole range of educational kits for teaching geometric and wave optics and Matchboxscope sets across the ocean, but all in a single cart? Then you could teach students the basic principles of 3D volumetric imaging, super-resolution, […]
openUC2@GOSH Hackathon
Introducing the UC2 Open Optics Hackathon: Join us for an Unforgettable Event! Are you passionate about open-source technology and scientific innovation? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce the UC2 Open Optics Hackathon, where we bring together You, the brightest minds in the community to revolutionize the world of optics. For the past five […]